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Bamford Woodland Conservation Area
Photo: Norm Rodrigue
Location and Description:
Location: Fayette, ME
Property Description: The fifty-three-acre Bamford Woodland Conservation Area is located south of the historic Kent Cemetery. The conservation area protects valuable woodland and wetland habitats in a largely undeveloped landscape. These forests and wetlands and other nearby conservation and privately owned lands are critical habitat for black bear and moose - wildlife species with extensive home ranges.
The Bamford Conservation Area is near KLT’s Baldwin Hill, Sturtevant Scenic Area, and Hales Pond Preserve properties and is also adjacent to a popular snowmobile trail that is valued by many members of the community.
Conservation History
Jim and Jane Brogan, long-time residents of Fayette have owned and taken care of these valuable woodlands for decades. After years of careful planning and many conversations with KLT's Lands Committee members and staff, the Brogans transferred their property to KLT in November 2023.
Usage and Trails:
Access: The property can be accessed from the discontinued and unmaintained Bamford Road.
Allowable uses: While this property does not have trails, it is open for bushwhacking, hunting, nature observation and other low-impact recreation. Dogs are allowed on leash or under voice command.
Motorized vehicles, camping, fires and commercial harvesting of mushrooms, berries & plants are not permitted.