Lyceum Lecture Series  Maine Amphibians & Reptiles
to Mar 27

Lyceum Lecture Series Maine Amphibians & Reptiles

  • Hallowell City Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Save the date for KLT’s 2025 Lyceum lecture series focused on Maine reptiles and amphibians and their habitats. Joining us will be Dr. Matt Chatfield, Dr. Greg LeClair, and Dr. Derek Yorks. Topics include: Wood Turtles and their Habitats; Amphibian Conservation Challenges and Opportunities; and Insights from the Maine Amphibian Atlas. Light refreshments will be provided.

This year’s Lyceum will be held at Hallowell City Auditorium, located at 1 Winthrop Street in Hallowell.

KLT’s March lyceum and the associated field programs are supported by The Helen and George Ladd Family and sponsored by the Maine Association of Conservation Commissions. MACC empowers communities to protect Maine’s natural resources through education, advocacy, and collaboration.

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Maine Entomological Society Field Day
10:00 AM10:00

Maine Entomological Society Field Day

Join MES and KLT to explore the world of insects. Newcomers and more experienced entomologists alike are invited to come and learn about insect identification in this ecologically diverse Conservation Area. Registration preferred so we have an idea on number of people attending. Parking is limited.

Please register by emailing Baylee at or call us at 377-2848.

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Hopkins Stream Paddle
8:00 AM08:00

Hopkins Stream Paddle

Celebrate the summer weather with a guided paddle led by KLT staff up Hopkins Stream to the Ezra Smith Wildlife Conservation Area. The extensive undeveloped uplands and wetlands along the Hopkins stream corridor provide important wildlife habitat for ducks and wading birds. Registration is required. Limited to 20 participants.

Please reach out to Baylee to register at or 377-2848.

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Readfield U Program - Working Together: The Intersection of Land Conservation, Rural Housing, Sustainable  Forestry, and Community Planning
6:00 PM18:00

Readfield U Program - Working Together: The Intersection of Land Conservation, Rural Housing, Sustainable Forestry, and Community Planning

In recent years a number of land trusts have been developing partnerships with community land trusts and municipal planning and open space committees that focus on the broad goals of land conservation, rural housing, and climate. These collaborative endeavors have at times incorporated ideas about green building, use of local and sustainably grown wood products, and the repair and renovation of existing housing and historic structures. These creative partnerships have the potential to support rural economies and housing, open space and land conservations goals, and climate action plans.

Come learn how community members and organizations are working to build these partnerships!

Speakers: Harald Bredesen, GrowSmart Maine; Bruce Borgouine, Chair, Readfield Opens Space Committee; Jennifer Dann, Project Director, Local Wood WORKS; Theresa Kerchner and Howard Lake, Kennebec Land Trust

Optional reading in advance of the program

Conservation Land Trust and Community Land Trust Partnerships: Workforce Housing with Community, Conservation, and Ecological Benefits: This research explores how conservation and community land trusts can collaborate to address workforce housing shortages while promoting ecological benefits.

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Presentation at Lithgow Public Library - Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Across Generations
5:30 PM17:30

Presentation at Lithgow Public Library - Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Across Generations

Join Theresa Kerchner, Executive Director, and John Whittaker, Membership and Communications Coordinator at the Lithgow Public Library in Augusta for an overview of the Kennebec Land Trust’s conservation programs (KLT).

KLT will celebrate its 37th anniversary in 2025 and since its founding in 1988, the Trust has noted a marked increase in interest from people who have recently discovered its close-to-home lands and 60 miles of trails. Three years ago KLT published the second edition of Take a Hike! which features thirty-two permanently protected properties including the Howard Hill Historical Park in Augusta, Effie Berry Conservation Area in Hallowell, and Hutchinson Pond Conservation and Shedd Pond Conservation Areas in Manchester.

Learn about KLT’s land conservation criteria, our work to address climate change, the difference between conservation easements and fee ownership, new trails and properties, including our Howard Hill Effie Berry Universally Accessible Trail campaign, careers in the conservation field, Local Wood WORKS (LWW) and sustainable forestry, our upcoming public programs, and more. We look forward to seeing you! Bring your questions and suggestions for future partnerships in Augusta and central Maine.

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Mt. Pisgah Bushwhack
3:30 PM15:30

Mt. Pisgah Bushwhack

KLT Stewardship staff will lead an “off-trail” excursion at the Mt. Pisgah Conservation Area in Winthrop to explore a unique area not accessible by trail. Participants should bring snowshoes, skis, and/or ice grippers depending on conditions and should be comfortable traveling off-trail in winter conditions. Registration is required. Limited to 20 participants.

Please register by emailing Baylee at or call us at 377-2848.

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Surry Hill Full Moon Hike/Snowshoe
5:30 PM17:30

Surry Hill Full Moon Hike/Snowshoe

Join KLT staff for a family-friendly hike or snowshoe up Surry Hill for a spectacular look at the “Snow Moon.” We will meet in the parking lot of Surry Hill at 5:30. Participants must be comfortable hiking in the dark while using a headlamp or flashlight. Depending on conditions, grippers or snowshoes are required. Please bring your own headlamp and plan accordingly based on conditions. Registration is required. Limited to 30 participants.

Please call or email Baylee at 377-2848 or


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**Event Full** Mount Pisgah Full Moon Hike
5:30 PM17:30

**Event Full** Mount Pisgah Full Moon Hike

This event is now full. Please contact Baylee if you like to be added to our waitlist.

Mount Pisgah Full Moon Hike
Friday, November 15, 5:30 PM
Mount Pisgah Winthrop


Join KLT staff to take advantage of the full moon for a hike at the Mount Pisgah Conservation Area on Friday, November 15, at 5:30 PM. Please bring what you need to be comfortable for a night walk, including a headlamp or flashlight, warm clothes, water, snacks etc. The family-friendly hike will be approximately two miles long. Registration is required as participation is limited. For more information or to RSVP, contact Baylee at or 207-377-2848

Directions: From Route 133 in Wayne turn south onto Fairbanks Road. At the end, turn left onto the Mt. Pisgah Road. Travel south about 1.7 miles – the parking lot is on the left. From Route 202, turn onto North Main Street and go into North Monmouth. After about 0.7 miles, turn right on New Road, which becomes Mt. Pisgah Road. Continue for approximately 1.6 miles – the parking lot is on the right.

Photo: Fyn Kynd Photography , Creative Commons  2.0,

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Night Sky Tour
5:30 PM17:30

Night Sky Tour

Night Sky Tour
Monday, October 28, 5:30 PM
Surry Hill, Fayette

Join John Meader of Northern Stars Planetarium and KLT for a hike and a tour of the stars. The hike up Surry Hill is about 1.5 - 2.0 miles round trip with 200 feet of elevation gain. John will lead the group through a tour of the constellations and stars visible that evening. We will also find and discuss any visible planets, the Milky Way, as well as meteors (shooting stars) and satellites. 

Bring binoculars if you have them to see planets, binary stars, star clusters and more using the “star hopping” method.

Cost: $10 ($5 for KLT members)

Space is limited/ REGISTRATION REQUIRED.  Please contact Marie at or call the KLT office at 207-377-2848.

Photo: Milky Way from Surry Hill, Tyler Keniston

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Fall Family Hike: Treasure the Trees
2:00 PM14:00

Fall Family Hike: Treasure the Trees

Fall Family Hike: Treasure the Trees
Saturday, October 19, 2 PM
Torsey Pond Nature Preserve

Join us for this all-ages special event co-hosted by the Readfield Community Library and Kennebec Land Trust. On Saturday October 19th at 2:00pm, we will gather at the KLT property “Torsey Pond Nature Preserve” in Readfield. The program will include a reading of the picture book The Hike by Allison Farrell, followed by a guided nature hike on the Torsey Pond Nature Preserve led by KLT land stewards. The hike is approximately 1 mile, and is mostly flat. We will learn about and explore TREES on our hiking adventure together, and will also have a nature journal for kids to create and take home.

All ages are welcome! Please join us! Registration is requested, but not required. Please contact the Readfield Library to register: or 207-685-4089 or message the Library on Facebook.

We will plan to hold this event rain or shine. Please dress for the weather, and bring along your own water bottle and bug spray. We will provide some snacks, but feel free to bring your own as well.

Directions: Take Route 17 to Kents Hill. Go north on Route 41 about one mile to the Torsey Pond Nature Preserve parking lot on the right. There will be a KLT sign. [Note: Do NOT use your google maps or GPS to locate the Nature Preserve. Google maps will bring you to the wrong location on the pond.] FMI about the property:

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Lyceum Workshop: Resolving Conflicts with Beaver
10:00 AM10:00

Lyceum Workshop: Resolving Conflicts with Beaver

Lyceum Workshop - Resolving Conflicts with Beaver
Saturday, October 5, 10:00 AM
Rosmarin & Saunders Family Forest, Readfield

USDA Wildlife Biologist Ben Nugent will lead a program about beaver biology, ecology, and management. Ben provided technical assistance to KLT for the installation of a deceiver fence at a beaver site and will talk about why and how to install one.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Marie at or 207-377-2848

Directions: From Route 41/17 in Readfield, turn onto Nickerson Hill Road. Travel for 0.6 miles, then turn left (south) into a parking area near the barn. There will be a KLT sign.

 Photo: Lisa Kane

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Maine Entomological Society Field Day
10:00 AM10:00

Maine Entomological Society Field Day

Maine Entomological Society Field Day
Saturday, September 7, 10:00 AM
Rain date: Sunday, September 8
Reynolds Forest, Sidney

Join the Maine Entomological Society (MES) and KLT to explore the world of insects. Newcomers and more experienced entomologists alike are invited to come and learn about insect identification in this ecologically diverse conservation area.

This permanently protected conservation property features woodlands and wetlands, 1,150 feet of stream frontage along Goff Brook, excellent birding, and productive hayfields

More information about the Maine Entomological Society is available on their website.

To RSVP please contact Marie at or 207-277-2848

Please bring water, snacks, a light lunch and dress for warm weather and ticks.

Directions: From Augusta take the River Road (Route 104) north towards Sidney. Once in Sidney, look for the Dinsmore Road on your left. Shortly after passing the Dinsmore Road, you will see the KLT sign on your left, just before the road crosses Goff Brook. Park along the road.

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Annual Celebration of Land Conservation
to Aug 14

Annual Celebration of Land Conservation

  • The Kennebec Land Trust (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Kennebec Land Trust to celebrate another successful year of of advancing land conservation throughout the Kennebec River and Lakes Region! Founded in 1988, Kennebec Land Trust has conserved over 7,700 acres and constructed more than 58 miles of trails on KLT lands. This year’s event will take place over three days with plenty of opportunities to learn more about KLT’s recent conservation accomplishments, trail improvements and upcoming projects and connect with KLT staff, board members and supports.


Monday, August 12, 6:30 PMMount Pisgah Hike

Take a hike on the recently improved tower and blueberry trails at the Mount Pisgah Conservation Area. Located on Mount Pisgah Road in Winthrop. Free to attend.


Tuesday, August 13, 4:30 PM – Howard Hill Hike

Explore the route of KLT’s proposed universally accessible trail at the Howard Hill Historical Park in Augusta. The hike will start at the Ganneston Street trailhead. Free to attend.


Wednesday, August 14, 5:30 – 7:00 PM Annual Meeting

at Absolem Cider Company with the White Fox Taverna food truck

Celebrate KLT’s conservation accomplishments, learn about the 2024 summer intern research projects, and visit with KLT friends. Suggest donation is $15 for adults (free for children under 12) and includes a meal from the White Fox Taverna food truck. Beverages will be available for purchase.

All are welcome! Contact the office at 207-377-2848 or Marie at for more information.

RSVP by August 5!

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Conservation Gardening Research Introduction
4:30 PM16:30

Conservation Gardening Research Introduction

Conservation Gardening Research Introduction
Wednesday, August 7, 4:30 – 5:15 PM
Kennebec Land Trust Office
331 Main St, Winthrop


Visit the KLT office and meet the 2024 summer interns, Elena and Alexa, and learn about the research Elena is doing on conservation gardening and lawn care. Elena created a study plot at the office to learn more about the environmental and economic impacts of different lawn coverings. Coverings include a section that’s moist with low light, a section that is free-growing, a section covered by cardboard to remove the grass, and a section with plants native to Maine. Elena will introduce the project and share what she has learned so far.

For more information, please contact the KLT office at 207-377-3848 or Marie at

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Lyceum Workshop: Improving Wildlife Habitat in Your Backyard
5:30 PM17:30

Lyceum Workshop: Improving Wildlife Habitat in Your Backyard

**CANCELED** We are canceling this program due to the predicted thunderstorms this afternoon

Lyceum Workshop - Improving Wildlife Habitat in Your Backyard
Wednesday, July 10, 4:30 PM
Weston Woods Preserve, East Winthrop

Join KLT and Joe Roy, Private Lands Wildlife Biologist at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) to learn more about wildlife habitat, and strategies to improve the landscape to benefit wildlife.  Joe is a part of the Beginning with Habitat program at MDIFW which provides landowners, land trust, and municipalities with technical assistance relating to wildlife habitat.  

For more information and to RSVP, please contact Marie at or 207-377-2848

Directions: From Manchester: From the intersection of Route 202 and Route 17, drive 1.8 miles west on Route 202 to Old Village Rd. Turn right, then turn right again onto Case Rd. Drive 0.7 miles up the hill to the Preserve; parking will be on your right. From Winthrop: From the junction with Main St., take Route 202 east for 2.8 miles, then turn left onto Old Village Rd. After 0.4 miles, turn left onto Case Rd and drive 0.7 miles up the hill to the Preserve; parking will be on your right.

Photograph: Barred Owl, Nicole Rhodes

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Volunteer Trail Work Day
4:00 PM16:00

Volunteer Trail Work Day

Volunteer Trail Work Day
Wednesday, June 26, 4:00 PM
Hutchinson Pond, Manchester

Calling all volunteers! Save the date for a trail work day with KLT and Paige Emerson, founder of Chubby Hiker Reviews. Their mission is to encourage people of all body types and sizes to recreate responsibly in the great Maine outdoors. Celebrate Love Maine Trails Month and making the outdoors accessible to everyone by helping to reroute a flooded trail at Hutchinson Pond. Work will include trimming and clearing vegetation.

All experience levels are welcome! Please bring water, a snack, gloves and loppers if you have them. We will have extra tools available.


For more information about Chubby Hiker Reviews, please visit
For more information about KLT and to RSVP, please contact Baylee at or 207-377-2848.

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** CANCELED** Hopkins Stream Paddle
5:30 PM17:30

** CANCELED** Hopkins Stream Paddle


Unfortunately due to the heat and the chance of severe thunderstorms this evening we are canceling tonight's Hopkins Stream Paddle.
Stay cool and we hope to see you at a future KLT event!

Hopkins Stream Paddle
Thursday, June 20, 5:30 PM
Taylor Pond Public Boat Ramp, Mount Vernon

Celebrate the summer solstice with a guided paddle up Hopkins Stream to the Ezra Smith Wildlife Conservation Area. Led by KLT staff. We’ll meet at the Taylor Pond Public Boat Ramp, paddle approximately two miles upstream and then return.

The extensive undeveloped uplands and wetlands along the Hopkins Stream corridor provide important wildlife habitat for ducks and wading birds.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Marie at or 207-377-2848

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**CANCELED** Tree Identification and History Walk
4:00 PM16:00

**CANCELED** Tree Identification and History Walk

Tree Identification and History Walk
Thursday, June 13, 4:30 PM
Gott Pasture Preserve Wayne


Join KLT and Maine Forest Service District Foresters Julie Davenport and Allyssa Gregory to learn tree identification skills and vocabulary. KLT’s Executive Director Theresa Kerchner will also talk about the land use history of the Gott Pasture Preserve. This 75-acre wooded parcel on Wilson Pond includes three vernal pools and over 1,100 feet of undeveloped shoreline. This land was farmed in the 19th century and then was a wooded pasture and woodlot.

We’ll be hiking a 1.2-mile trail that is moderately steep. Please wear sturdy footwear and bring water. For more information or to RSVP please contact Marie at or 207-377-2848. 

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Nature Walk
9:00 AM09:00

Nature Walk

Nature Walk
Saturday, June 8, 9:00 AM
Small Burnham Conservation Area, Litchfield

Explore KLT’s Small-Burnham Conservation Area with trained Maine Master Naturalists. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the natural world, with a focus on plants, ferns, birds, and insects.

The Small-Burnham Conservation Area consists of 250 acres of woodlands, wetlands, hayfields, and ponds on the Pine Tree Road in Litchfield and is protected by a conservation easement.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Marie at or 207-377-2848

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Birding Walk at Davidson Nature Preserve
7:00 AM07:00

Birding Walk at Davidson Nature Preserve

Birding Walk at Davidson Nature Preserve
Saturday, May 25, 7:00 AM
Davidson Nature Preserve, Vassalboro

Join local birders from the Augusta Birding Club and KLT volunteers for a spring birding walk at the Davidson Nature Preserve in Vassalboro. The 97-acre Davidson Nature Preserve features ten acres of blueberry fields as well as wetlands and woodlands. Over seventy species of birds have been identified, so bring your binoculars! Birders of all skill levels are welcome. Please leave pets at home.

For more information and to RSVP, contact Marie at or 207-377-2848

Directions: From Augusta or Waterville take Route 201 to Vassalboro. Turn east on Bog Road for approximately 2.2 miles to the intersection with Taber Hill Road. Turn north (left) on Taber Hill Road for approximately 1 mile. Look for the KLT sign, parking lot, and sign-in box on the left (west) side of Taber Hill Road, just before Hussey Hill Road.

Not able to make this event? Check out Augusta Birding Club’s other trips including one at Shed Pond in Manchester and a night trip to Surry Hill in Fayette at

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Our Maine Book Talk
6:00 PM18:00

Our Maine Book Talk

Our Maine, Book Talk
Tuesday, May 14, 6:00 PM
Lithgow Public Library Community Meeting Room, Augusta


Join editors Aram Calhoun and Malcolm “Mac” Hunter to learn more about the publication of Our Maine: Exploring Its Rich Natural HeritageOur Maine celebrates Maine's natural history, lands, waters and wildlife and examines the human impact and changes through time. Over thirty scientists, writers, photographers, and artists contributed to this publication including KLT members and past lyceum lecturers. Copies will be available for purchase and signing. 

Lithgow Library – 45 Winthrop St. Augusta, ME

For more information, please contact Marie at or 207-377-2848

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Explore the Secrets and Wonders of Vernal Pools
2:00 PM14:00

Explore the Secrets and Wonders of Vernal Pools

Saturday, April 27, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Rosmarin and Saunders Family Forest

Join us for this all-ages special event co-hosted by the Readfield Community Library and Kennebec Land Trust, in partnership with Maine Humanities Council! On Saturday, April 27th at 2:00 pm, we will gather at the KLT property “Rosmarin and Saunders Family Forest” in Readfield.

The program will include a reading of the gorgeous picture book "The Secret Pool" by Maine author Kimberly Ridley and Maine illustrator Rebekah Raye, followed by an exploration of the Rosmarin and Saunders vernal pool and all its secrets and wonders led by KLT land stewards.

All participants will receive a copy of "The Secret Pool" to keep, thanks to a partnership with the Maine Humanities Council Discussion Project.

Registration is requested, but not required. Please contact the Readfield Library to register: or 207-685-4089.

Rain date will be Sunday, April 28 at 2 pm.

Directions to site: From Route 41/17 in Readfield, turn onto Nickerson Hill Road. Travel for 0.6 miles, then turn left (south) into a small parking area. There will be a KLT sign.

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Volunteer Day - Shrub Planting at Baldwin Hill
1:00 PM13:00

Volunteer Day - Shrub Planting at Baldwin Hill

Volunteer Day - Shrub Planting at Baldwin Hill
Thursday, April 25, 1:00 PM
Baldwin Hill Conservation Area, Fayette

Calling all volunteers! KLT has been working on a pollinator habitat enhancement project at the Baldwin Hill Conservation Cemetery in partnership with the Xerces Society.

Volunteers will work with KLT’s stewardship staff to plant native shrubs and spread mulch. Please bring water, a snack and gloves.

If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Baylee at or 207-377-2848

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Great Cobbossee Watershed Cleanup
8:00 AM08:00

Great Cobbossee Watershed Cleanup

Saturday, April 20, 8 AM - 12 PM
West Gardiner and Litchfield

**With the weather not looking promising, we won’t be meeting for the cleanup. If you’re interested in adopting a section of road to do on your own time, please contact Marie at or 207-377-2848.

Calling all volunteers! Celebrate Earth Day and help clean up the Cobbossee Watershed with Kennebec Land Trust and other area nonprofits. KLT will be focusing on cleaning up the Cobbossee Stream road crossings in West Gardiner and Litchfield.

At a past cleanup, close to 2,100 pounds of trash was removed from our stream and watershed by 107 volunteers in 31 different locations. We hope this year’s community collaboration will result in even more trash and debris cleared away.

Working together we can make our streams, lakes and rivers sparkle keeping our rivers, lakes, streams and oceans healthy.

Thank you for making this a great day!

If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Marie at

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Maine Big Night: From Salamander to Statewide Project
6:00 PM18:00

Maine Big Night: From Salamander to Statewide Project

  • Freinds of the Cobbossee Watershed (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Maine Big Night: From Salamander to Statewide Project
Friends of the Cobbossee Watershed Office, East Winthrop
(Also available on Zoom) 
Monday, April 1st, 6:00 PM 

Every year when the ground has thawed, and temperature and weather conditions are right amphibians embark on a mass migration from their winter habitat to their breeding grounds in vernal pools and other wetlands during a “big night”. In 2018 Greg Leclair started the Maine Big Night citizen science project in one town to collect data on how roadways are affecting amphibians during their migration. It has now turned into a state-wide citizen science project and a new nonprofit. 

Join Greg LeClair on April 1 to learn more about the project, how it developed, and opportunities for getting involved! 

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2024 Lyceum: Maine Mammals and Their Habitats
to Mar 28

2024 Lyceum: Maine Mammals and Their Habitats

  • Winthrop High School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

2024 Lyceum Lecture Series

Thursdays, March 14, March 21, & March 28

6:00 - 7:30 PM

Winthrop High School Auditorium

Join Kennebec Land Trust for our annual winter lecture series to learn more about Maine mammals and their habitats from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife. KLT’s winter lectures are modeled on the early New England lyceums that began in 1826 in Massachusetts.

Email Marie at or call 207-377-2848 for more information.

Directions: From Route 41 in Winthrop, turn onto Rambler Way to the Winthrop High School. Once inside, follow the signs for the Performing Arts Center.

**New this year** The lectures will also be available on Zoom. For the best experience, we recommend attending in person, but please contact Marie at if you'd like the Zoom link.

Monitoring Maine’s Fisher and Marten Populations - Thursday, March 14, 2024
Deer in Maine, Past to Present - Thursday, March 21, 2024
Bats of Maine - Thursday March 28, 2024

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Maine Big Night
to May 14

Maine Big Night

  • Gott Pasture Preserve (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Maine Big Night
with Kennebec Land Trust and Friends of the Cobbossee Watershed
Gott Pasture Preserve, Wayne
March – April, Date and time - weather dependent 

Kennebec Land Trust and Friends of the Cobbossee Watershed will be participating in the state-wide community science project Maine Big Night. With help from volunteers, we will be collecting data on migrating frogs and salamanders as they cross roadways during the spring.  

How to volunteer? 

KLT and Friends of the Cobbossee have adopted two 1000-foot-long roadway sites to monitor near KLT’s Gott Pasture Preserve in Wayne. Anyone who can operate safely on a roadway is invited to join. Volunteers will collect data on amphibians present and help them safely cross the road. Safety vests and headlamps are required to participate. KLT and Friends will have them available, but please bring your own if you have them. Families are encouraged to participate, but kids must be old enough to be aware of road safety. Contact Marie or Cami to sign up and then when the conditions are right between March 15th and May 15th, (wet roads and 40 degrees at night) we’ll contact you that day. 

All volunteers are required to sign this waiver:

Sign up to volunteer here

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North Acres Snowshoe Bushwhack
10:00 AM10:00

North Acres Snowshoe Bushwhack

  • North Acres Wildlife Conservation Area (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Saturday, March 2, 10 AM
North Acres Wildlife Conservation Area, Manchester

Join KLT stewardship staff for an “off-trail” excursion at the North Acres Wildlife Conservation Area in Manchester on Saturday, March 2 at 10 AM The group will explore the farm fields, surrounding woodlands and along the shores of the Tanning and Bond Brooks. Participants should bring snowshoes, skis and/or ice grippers depending on conditions and should be comfortable traveling off-trail in winter conditions.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Marie at or 207-377-2848.

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Winter Tree Identification Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Winter Tree Identification Workshop

Winter Tree Identification Workshop

February 3rd at 1:00 PM

Hallowell Fire Station on Coos Lane and

Effie Berry/ Howard Hill Conservation Area, Hallowell Join botanist Eric Doucette hosted by Kennebec Land Trust (KLT) and the Hallowell Conservation Commission (HCC) on February 3rd at 1:00 PM for a workshop on winter tree identification. Eric is an Associate Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and president of the Maine Josselyn Botanical Society. He will teach attendees how to identify trees using buds, twigs, bark, branching patterns and more. We’ll meet inside at the Hallowell Fire Station Meeting Room on Coos Lane to learn basic identification techniques and terms and then move outside to practice at the nearby Effie Berry and Howard Hill Conservation Areas.

Please dress for the weather and bring water, snowshoes or traction devices depending on the conditions and a 10x hand lens if you have one. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Marie (KLT) at at 207-377-2848 or Rosemary (HCC) at

Directions: From 201 in Hallowell turn onto Winthrop Street. In about a half a mile turn right on to High Street/Coos Lane and the fire station will be on the left.

We have a growing list of RSVPs and interested folks for this workshop on Feb 3. Please be aware of parking signs near the fire station, please do not park in spots marked for fire chief or fire station personnel.

There is parking near the Effie L Berry Conservation Area trailhead and around the Stevens Commons complex, all in easy walking distance to the Fire Station. Thank You!

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Surry Hill Full Moon Hike
5:30 PM17:30

Surry Hill Full Moon Hike

  • Surry Hill Conservation Area (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Surry Hill Full Moon Snowshoe Hike

Thursday, January 25, 5:30 PM

Surry Hill Conservation Area

Join KLT staff and volunteer property stewards to take advantage of the full moon for a hike or snowshoe at the Surry Hill Conservation Area on Thursday, January 25 at 5:30 PM. Please bring what you need to be comfortable for a night walk in winter, including a headlamp or flashlight, snowshoes, warm clothes, water, snacks, etc. The family-friendly hike will be approximately two miles long. For more information or to RSVP, contact Marie at or 207-377-2848

Photo: Fyn Kynd Photography , Creative Commons  2.0,

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Davidson Nature Preserve Full Moon Hike
5:30 PM17:30

Davidson Nature Preserve Full Moon Hike

Davidson Nature Preserve Full Moon Hike

Monday, November 27, 5:30 PM

Davidson Nature Preserve, Vassalboro

Join KLT staff and volunteer property stewards to take advantage of the full moon for a hike at the Davidson Nature Preserve on Monday, November 27 at 5:30 PM. Please bring what you need to be comfortable for a night walk, including a headlamp or flashlight, warm clothes, water, snacks etc. The family-friendly hike will be approximately one mile long. For more information or to RSVP, contact Marie at or 207-377-2848

Directions: From Augusta or Waterville take Route 201 to Vassalboro. Turn east on Bog Road for approximately 2.2 miles to the intersection with Taber Hill Road. Turn north (left) on Taber Hill Road for approximately 1 mile. Look for the KLT sign, parking lot, and sign-in box on the left (west) side of Taber Hill Road, just before Hussey Hill Road.

Photo: Fyn Kynd Photography , Creative Commons  2.0,

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Bald Eagles, Bear Cubs and Hermit Bill by Ron Joseph
6:30 PM18:30

Bald Eagles, Bear Cubs and Hermit Bill by Ron Joseph

Kennebec Land Trust and Wayne’s Cary Memorial Library are delighted to co-sponsor retired wildlife biologist Ron Joseph. Ron will be reading selections from his new book Bald Eagles, Bear Cubs and Hermit Bill: Memoirs of a Wildlife Biologist in Maine. Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing. Ron Joseph grew up in central Maine, learning life lessons on his grandparent’s dairy farm, and then spent more than thirty years working as a wildlife biologist. Bald Eagles, Bear Cubs, and Hermit Bill is a compilation of forty stories that range from his youth to his working life to profiles of the people he has met along the way. Ron serves on the KLT Advisory Board. For more information call the library at 685-3612.

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History Walk at Rosmarin & Saunders Family Forest and Macdonald Woods
10:00 AM10:00

History Walk at Rosmarin & Saunders Family Forest and Macdonald Woods

Saturday, October 14, 10 AM

Belz Road Readfield

Join KLT and Readfield Historians Dale Potter-Clark and Bill Adams on Saturday, October 14 at 10 AM to learn more about the history of the Rosmarin & Saunders Family Forest and Macdonald Woods. They’ll share more information about foundations and families, including the John Dutton family, in the old “West Road neighborhood” where the buildings were inhabited until the early 20th century.

We’ll meet at the end of Belz Rd in Readfield, walk past the Readfield Town Forest and Macdonald Woods, and then along the old West Rd. The walk is about 2.5 miles round trip.

We’ll meet at the end of Belz Rd in Readfield and walk past the Readfield Town Forest and Macdonald Woods and then along the old West Rd.

Hunting is allowed on the property, please wear orange.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Marie at or 207-377-2848.

Directions: We’ll be meeting at the end of Belz Rd. From the North Wayne Rd. turn on Hathaway Rd. and continue 0.8 miles. Turn left on Belz Road and continue to the end.

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