DeAngelis Conservation Area StewardshiP Campaign


KLT is pleased to announce that we are working with the DeAngelis family to conserve 86 acres of fields, woodland, and wetlands on the Sturtevant Hill Road. The DeAngelis’s will continue to own this land which will be the future home of Tyler DeAngelis and Anne McKee, but KLT will hold a conservation easement on the land in perpetuity.

Conservation easements are voluntary legal agreements that limit or condition certain uses of the land— such as the ability to subdivide or further develop the property—and are one of the tools that land trusts use to conserve land for future generations. A conserved property continues to provide economic benefits to both the landowner and the greater community and remains on the tax rolls.

As KLT evaluated this property, we came to appreciate its many wildlife, water quality, agricultural, scenic, and recreational values. Protecting the highly valuable prime farmland soils of the hilltop fields and the Inland Waterfowl and Wading Bird Habitat connected to Dead Stream and Maranacook Lake are priorities for KLT. We are also inspired by the potential for public access to ski trails – a future goal for the landowner.

When acquiring a conservation easement, KLT calculates the annual stewardship costs associated with the project. The stewardship amount assessed and raised for each easement (or fee property) is invested with all of KLT’s stewardship funds and the income is used to fund the Land Trust’s annual maintenance of its easements and fee lands. Our stewardship fundraising goal for this project is $10,250.

The DeAngelis family has already funded many of the project costs associated with completing this easement, including a boundary survey and a baseline conditions report (a summary of the property conditions at the time the easement is donated.)

KLT stewardship activities are central to our long-term conservation success and anything that you can contribute to help with this campaign will be appreciated. In so doing, together, we will be helping to mitigate climate change, conserving important farmland for current and future generations, and ensuring that valuable habitats are protected.

Please send donations to support this campaign to:

The Kennebec Land Trust, PO Box 261, Winthrop, Maine, 04364

Please write DeAngelis Campaign in the memo