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Peter Miller Woodland
Location and Description:
Location: Vienna, Maine
Property Description: This 60-acre property protects important wildlife habitat and wetlands, and will be used for outdoor recreation and nature and conservation education programs
Directions: From Readfield, take Rt 41 North for 11 miles, turn right onto Kimball Pond Road and follow for 2.6 miles, turn left onto Anderson Road (across from Cross Road).
Usage and Trails:
Allowable uses: hiking, nature observation, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hunting in season. No motorized vehicles. Dogs are allowed on a leash or under voice command. Please clean up after your pets
Trails: A one-mile loop trail, accessed from Anderson Ridge Road, travels through various stages of woodland growth, leads to small man-made ponds, and includes an old logging road.
Parking: Property is on the left, park on the side of the road. Please respect our neighbors and KLT property.
Photo: Jane Davis
In March 2013, a decade after Ellen and Robert Miller donated KLT’s Flying Pond Farm conservation easement, Robin, Holly, and Lynette Miller conserved a second property in Vienna, the Peter Miller Woodland. This permanently conserved forestland with white pine, eastern hemlock, red spruce, balsam fir, red maple, brown and white ash, and white and yellow birch includes stone walls, woods roads and two small ponds. Robin, Holly, and Lynette’s gift honors the former owner, their brother, Peter Miller. In the winter of 2009, Peter died of injuries sustained in a wood-cutting accident. KLT is honored to conserve this special place for the land itself, for wildlife, and for the people who will enjoy it.
Peter Miller Programs