Kennebec Land Trust announces upcoming lecture series, bird walks

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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

WINTHROP — The Kennebec Land Trust has announced the dates and speakers for its 15th annual March Lyceum lecture series.

This year’s program is "Maine Birds from Katahdin to Merrymeeting Bay ... and Everywhere Else in Between." 

KLT’s popular annual March lecture series is modeled after the early New England lyceums that began in 1826 in Massachusetts. For many years, New England lyceums hosted lectures, debates and concerts for public audiences. The Trust’s lyceum is supported by Gloria, Lincoln and Robert Ladd. This year's series is sponsored by The Augusta Birding Club.

All three March programs are free and open to the public and are held at the Ladd Recreation Center in Wayne.

Maine Birds and Their Habitats: Thursday, March 16, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Ron Joseph, retired wildlife biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, will focus on bird species and their habitats across Maine, bird conservation, breeding bird surveys and birding areas in Maine.

Conservation and Management of Woodcock, Waterfowl and Grouse: Thursday, March 23, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Kelsey Sullivan, Wildlife Biologist for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife will address: trends in waterfowl, grouse and woodcock populations, interagency cooperation on waterfowl and woodcock conservation and management, and the life histories of woodcock, waterfowl and grouse.

Northern Goshawks in the Northeast — Natural History and Conservation: Thursday, March 30, 7 to 8:30 p.m. David Brinker, Regional Ecologist, Maryland Department of Natural Resources Natural Heritage Program will provide an overview of northern goshawk: natural history and ecology, habitat preferences and use, population trends and conservation issues.

2017 Spring Lyceum Bird Walks

KLT’s Hutchinson Pond Conservation Area: Saturday, May 20, 8 to 10 a.m. at Benson Road, Manchester. On this bird walk, participants will see migratory and breeding birds while exploring the Hutchinson Pond trails through fields and woods, wetlands and along the pond. Potential breeding birds include various warblers, alder flycatcher, wood duck, yellow-bellied sapsucker, and blue-headed vireo. Leader: Glenn Hodgkins, KLT Advisory Board and Member, Augusta Birding Club. FMI:

Torsey Pond Nature Preserve: Saturday, June 10, 8 to 10 a.m. at Route 41 Readfield. This outing will be an easy and beautiful walk to look for breeding birds in the preserve's woods and for wetland birds at the duck blind. Ninety-nine species of birds have been documented at the Torsey Pond Nature Preserve. Potential sightings include Virginia rails, swamp sparrows, sandhill cranes, hermit thrush, scarlet tanagers and various warblers. FMI:

FMI: 207-377-2848,