A Request for Preliminary Bids

The Kennebec Land Trust (KLT) is seeking bids from skilled carpenters/builders for the repair, restoration, and stabilization of three historic cabins on Cobbossee Stream in West Gardiner.* This project also includes the demolition of one additional waterfront cabin and several sheds on the same property. 

The selection of a contractor will depend on the bid price, the contractor's experience and expertise, and the outcome of an interview with a KLT-appointed Committee. Notes: Unless infeasible, bidders should spec with Maine/New England wood and wood products, and/or salvaged wood. The work is to be scheduled for 2018. *

The Wakefield Wildlife Sanctuary was generously bequeathed to KLT upon owner Kendra Wakefield Shaw’s passing in 2016. This 113-acre property features historic cabins and 4,000 feet of undeveloped shore frontage on Cobbossee Stream. These woodlands and wetlands are important habitat for many species of birds, mammals, and plants and will also provide outdoor recreation and nature observation opportunities for all ages. In future years, at least two of the historic cabins will be maintained for nature and conservation education, recreation, and visiting artists and writers.

Visit property page for more info. 

Project Goals: 1. Renovate/restore two seasonal historic cabins (#2 and #3)  Minimal services are proposed.  Cabins will be available as rentals. 2. Stabilize one cabin (#4)  Repair roof  Stabilize foundation  Suggest other critical stabilization projects. 3. Demolish one cabin and outbuildings (#1) Bid Requirements Contractors will:  Participate in a site visit, arranged by KLT.  Provide detailed estimates of the costs to: demolish cabin #1; complete renovations on cabins #2 and #3; stabilize cabin #4. Estimates should include any subcontracted work.

KLT has established the following schedule for site visits, builder questions, bid date, interviews and final selection: Bid Schedule Release RFP (and solicit potential bidders) - by February 16, 2018 Schedule site visits – by end of February, 2018 Respond to bidder’s questions – mid-March, 2018 Final bid submission date - March 16, 2018 Notification to contractors - March 30, 2018 Note: Bidders are to provide estimated beginning and completion dates: speed is not an important consideration; quality is.

Building Specifications: Cabins Two and Three Secure the foundation and primary support members (i.e. posts, beams, floor joists). Make essential repairs to any roof that shows serious signs of deterioration. Replace any siding (shingles or clapboards) and trim that is badly deteriorated. Ensure all windows and doors are in good working order; replace with suitable materials or repair/restore where necessary. Ensure all insect screening is in good repair and screens are in working condition. Close-off all chimney connections so that no fireplaces or stove can be made functional. Repair indoor and outdoor stairs, handrails and steps to make them safe. Check all interior floors to ensure they are firm and even; repair any holes, cracks or gaps that could become mouse highways. Clean-up all walls to remove un-needed nails, hooks, wall paper etc. so that the existing planks or wall surface can be painted white; if an alternative wall finish(es) is/are proposed, please specify. Retain existing kitchen sinks and repair or rebuild shelves and cupboards that serve a useful purpose. Install new or repair the existing hand-pumps. Repair interior, fixed furnishings that serve a useful purpose and embellish the "look" of the cabins (e.g. shelves, closets, cabinets) Remove all electrical wiring and fittings. Remove all gas/propane lines and fittings; any valuable items removed shall be the property of KLT. Install a composting toilet for each cabin. Provide a grey-waste system for each sink (one per cabin) that meets code requirements; note these systems may require a variance from the local CEO. Demolish small outbuildings and remove debris. Clean-up around each cabin so access is easy, runoff is controlled, and any ditches drain away from the cabin foundation and stream, if possible; Building Specifications Cabin Four Stabilize foundation and repair roof. Propose any critical repairs. Building Specifications Cabin One Completely demolish Cabin 1 and shed without polluting the stream; remove all materials from the property and restore the site to create a "natural" look.

Bid Evaluations KLT will evaluate proposals based on the following: Bid price for restoration of two cabins and demolition of one................. 70% Bidders experience with this type of work.................................................. 20% Outcome of KLT Interview and bidders approach and ideas for period restoration… 10%