Two Additions to Eastern River Preserve Protect Valuable Wetlands and Forests

KLT is proud to announce that we recently purchased two parcels totaling 28 acres adjacent to our 22-acre Eastern River Preserve in Pittston. The acquisition was made with generous funding from the Maine Coast Heritage Trust Merrymeeting Bay/Marsh Migration Initiative.

With these additions, KLT’s 50-acre Eastern River Preserve now protects 1,810 feet along Otter Creek and 4,120 feet along the tidal Eastern River, including valuable wetlands, woodlands, and wildlife habitat.  ​The Preserve’s short meandering path features Otter Creek and the Eastern River shoreline.

At the time of the transfer to KLT, the former owners, Alex Vira, Joyce Tigano, and Barbara Georgette, recalled their early days along the Eastern River:

It is through the generosity of our brother, Raymond L. Meyers, that we own this property. We obtained it in 1989. We spent summer vacations there and long weekends as children. We went fishing in the Eastern River on shore and in a canoe, picked apples, chased butterflies, and took long walks. A long time before, the land was owned by the Stilphen family and called the Stilphen Farm. ~ Joyce and Barbara 

My family purchased the land in about ’66 and we spent our summers at the house across the street until about ’72. They were wonderful times, back when there was just an outhouse and a party-line telephone. We “owned a cow at the farm up the street where we would walk and get a fresh gallon every morning. We used to fish for carp with stink-bait on the Eastern River. I always loved catching the moment when there was just a sliver of water going out with the tide and the point when it would stop, turn around, and start filling in again. In ’72 we sold the house, but kept the land along the Eastern, and bought a camp on Pleasant Pond in Gardiner which we kept until the mid 80s. We’re still frequent guests to the area and I’ve made a least one trip to Blodgett Road for the last couple of decades, now with my kids in tow. I think it’s great that this land is being conserved, and thanks to everyone at KLT! ~ Alex 

KLT is grateful to Alex, Barbara, and Joyce; our Eastern River conservation partner, Maine Coast Heritage Trust; Judy Schuppien and Phil Brzozowski, whose initial conservation gift inspired their neighbors; and KLT Lands Committee members Jim Connors and Howard Lake, for their many contributions to this inspiring project. Together we are protecting forestland, wetlands, and other valuable natural places on the landscape—places that we love, and that in turn support our communities and ecosystems.