KLT Interns, Where are they now?

We are proud of our past interns and their accomplishments. Many of KLT’s interns have gone on to interesting careers in conservation and other fields. We heard recently from three former interns: Avery Siler, our 2015 intern and 2016 conservation assistant, Wade Davis, 2010 summer intern, and Amanda Lavigueur, 2011 summer intern.

To learn more about our internship program and to apply for current opportunities, click here.

Avery Siler: After two amazing summers with KLT, I knew that land conservation and land trusts were the career I wanted to explore. After college, I moved to NE Pennsylvania to work for the Delaware Highlands Conservancy. While there, I worked on conservation easement transactions, especially for agricultural land, wrote baseline documentation reports, and coordinated outreach and communications for a region-wide grant program providing funding for farmers and forest owners to implement sustainable management practices on their land. Currently, I am about to start a new position with The Nature Conservancy, working on their real estate gift planning team, which handles donations of real estate that are then sold and the profits used to fund mission-related programs. I’m excited for this new challenge, and know that the skills I learned at KLT will serve me well in this and any other future position!

Wade Davis: I am still working in the environmental realm! After graduating from Williams College, I spent three years at The Brattle Group, a consulting firm in San Francisco, where I mostly worked on projects related to time-varying energy pricing. Now, I am beginning my third year of a PhD program in energy and environmental economics at the Yale School of Forestry. My research focuses on economic analysis of policy issues in the electricity industry and private vehicle transportation.”

Amanda Lavigueur: Since graduating from Colby, I've been working as a project manager on the inpatient pharmacy team at Epic, a healthcare software company that provisions Electronic Health Record (EHR) software based out of Madison, WI (fun fact: most hospitals in the US use our software including Maine Health!). At a high level, we discover what workflows we can streamline, where we can capture more revenue, and how we can increase patient safety for our installing organizations. On the day to day, I am managing and guiding a team of analysts at my customer site who are customizing the system for their organization and leading pharmacy operations through the decision making and clinical review processes involved in getting their EHR ready