Land for Sale by Owner

30± ACRES OF LAND in West Gardiner, Maine, located between Lindsey
Lane and the Collins Mills Road on the west side of the Hallowell-Litchfield
Road with 288 feet of road frontage and further described as follows:
A certain lot or parcel of land situated in the said West Gardiner and bounded
and described as follows: Northerly by land now or formerly of Warren H.
Davis; easterly by land now or formerly of Reuben L. Snow; southerly by the
country road leading from Hallowell to Litchfield and westerly by land now or
formerly of the heirs of the late Orron E. Towle, containing thirty (30) acres,
more or less.
Being the premises described in deed of Thelma R. Wakefield to Thelma R.
Wakefield and Kendra W. Shaw dated August 8, 1988 and recorded in Book
3403, Page 232.
For sale by sealed bid offer only. All offers must be received on or before July
23, 2018. The successful bidder will be notified by August 1, 2018 and must
be prepared to close within 45 days. The owner expressly reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Mail sealed bids to: The Kennebec Land Trust, PO Box 261, Winthrop, ME 04364.
For all inquiries and additional information on the location, please call: (207) 377-2848.